
Showing posts from 2024

‘Ego is the Enemy’

R ecently, I borrowed and read Ryan Holiday's book, Ego is the Enemy, from my colleague. The book offered profound insights that resonated deeply with my personal journey and professional life. Holiday's central message is simple yet powerful: ego is the enemy of success and fulfillment. 1). Embrace Humility. In our personal and professional lives, it’s easy to fall into the trap of thinking we know it all. Holiday reminds us that humility is the foundation of growth. By acknowledging our limitations and remaining open to learning, we create opportunities for genuine improvement and innovation. 2) Focus on the Work, Not the Recognition. In academia and the workplace, the desire for recognition can overshadow the importance of the work itself. Holiday emphasizes that true success comes from dedication to the process, not from seeking accolades. This mindset shift allows us to produce our best work without being distracted by external validation. 3) Detach from Outcomes. Hol