
Showing posts from June, 2020

The Enduring Pandemic of Racism: A Call to Confront Humanity's Deepest Crisis

Image R acism has plagued humanity for centuries, with countless cases—many still hidden from public view—occurring worldwide. Referring to racism as an outbreak, or even a  pandemic , is not an exaggeration.  The ongoing chant from anti-racism advocates that this issue has outlasted and surpassed other pandemics should shake us from our complacency, reminding us of the countless individuals who have suffered and been oppressed under the unrelenting burden of racism. Indeed, this claim holds truth, as racism has persisted throughout human history, unresolved by global leaders who have often failed to address it with the urgency it demands. Some argue that the destructive power of racism has outpaced even the most aggressive pandemics, including the recent COVID-19 crisis. The malignant force of racism has terrorized, weakened, and torn apart the fabric of humanity, specifically targeting Black communities and minority groups. Its impact on society has been

Gelombang Perlawanan Terhadap Rasisme di Tengah Pandemi Covid-19

Image l D i tengah pandemi Covid-19, Amerika Serikat (AS) diguncang oleh gelombang demonstrasi besar-besaran yang menuntut keadilan atas kasus rasisme. Pemicu dari protes ini adalah kematian tragis George Floyd, seorang pria kulit hitam, yang tewas di tangan polisi kulit putih dalam sebuah insiden kekerasan yang terekam video dan menyebar luas. Aksi ini menjadi simbol perlawanan terhadap rasisme sistemik di AS. Protes atas kematian George Floyd memicu solidaritas global, dengan demonstrasi yang muncul di negara-negara lain seperti Australia dan Inggris. Para demonstran di negara-negara tersebut memiliki tujuan serupa: mendesak pemerintah untuk menghukum pelaku rasisme, yang sering kali terjadi di tangan aparat keamanan. Sejarah Kelam Rasisme di AS dan Australia Sejarah mencatat bahwa rasisme di Amerika Serikat telah berlangsung lama dan terstruktur, dengan akar yang dalam. Salah satu bukti paling jelas dari hal ini adalah  Aturan Jim Crow , serangkaian legis