
‘Ego is the Enemy’

R ecently, I borrowed and read Ryan Holiday's book, Ego is the Enemy, from my colleague. The book offered profound insights that resonated deeply with my personal journey and professional life. Holiday's central message is simple yet powerful: ego is the enemy of success and fulfillment. 1). Embrace Humility. In our personal and professional lives, it’s easy to fall into the trap of thinking we know it all. Holiday reminds us that humility is the foundation of growth. By acknowledging our limitations and remaining open to learning, we create opportunities for genuine improvement and innovation. 2) Focus on the Work, Not the Recognition. In academia and the workplace, the desire for recognition can overshadow the importance of the work itself. Holiday emphasizes that true success comes from dedication to the process, not from seeking accolades. This mindset shift allows us to produce our best work without being distracted by external validation. 3) Detach from Outcomes. Hol

Love's Illusion: The Tale of Lois and Michael

T his is the "romantic" version of Lois and Michael's love tale. Lois, a radiant figure with angelic beauty, had always dreamed of finding not only a handsome and heroic partner but someone who would love her unconditionally for life. This is the "romantic" version of Lois and Michael's love tale. Lois, a radiant figure with angelic beauty, had always dreamed of finding not only a handsome and heroic partner but someone who would love her unconditionally for life. By fate, Michael, a charming and gallant young man, crossed paths with Lois in the old town square where they lived. To Lois, it was destiny—she believed Michael was the fulfillment of her childhood dreams, the perfect answer to all her fantasies. Michael's pleasant demeanor, coupled with his flirtatious charm—the trademark of the NOW generation—immediately captivated Lois. She smiled weakly but full of hope, and without hesitation, she accepted his proposal, convinced that her search for true

Participatory Approach

The participatory approach is one of the most common concepts of theorizing and practice in development communication. Within the emergence of “new social movements,” such as the growing body of research from various transdisciplinary, Wilkins (2000) warns of development communication’s social relevance as a field of study and practice. The increasing advancement in communication technologies that have influenced traditional institutions’ social and political, and economic pertinence of development communication theory and practice has been questioned (Huesca, 2001).  Furthermore, Huesca argues that (2001: 415) the evolution of the development communication theory and its emergence of the pluralism paradigm has triggered a heated discussion among development communication scholars and “have clouded the direction for future conceptual advancement.” The unstoppable social movements that could provide a theoretical ground f

Fransiskus Menyapa Evgeny Afineevsky: Dukungan Paus Terhadap ‘Civil Unions’ LGBT?

B anyak orang ‘mempersoalkan’ pernyataan Paus Fransiskus mengenai dukungannya terhadap pembentukan undang-undang  civil unions  (penyatuan sipil) untuk komunitas lesbian, gay, biseksual, dan transgender (LGBT). Dukungan ini disampaikan dalam film dokumenter  Francesco , yang baru-baru ini dirilis. Dalam film tersebut, Paus Fransiskus berkata, "Orang-orang homoseksual memiliki hak untuk berada dalam sebuah keluarga. Mereka adalah anak-anak Tuhan. Tak seorang pun berhak mengeluarkan mereka dari keluarga atau membuat mereka menderita karena hal ini. Yang harus kita perjuangkan adalah undang-undang sipil agar mereka terlindungi secara hukum. Saya mendukung adanya undang-undang itu," ungkapnya, seperti dilaporkan oleh  America: The Jesuit Review pada 22 Oktober 2020. Apa sebenarnya maksud Paus Fransiskus dengan dukungannya terhadap  civil unions ? Merujuk pada pernyataan di atas, dukungan Fransiskus lebih merupakan seruan moral sebagai seorang pemimpin agama. Ia ingin mendorong ke

Public Communication of Science

As a brand of study in communication, public communication of science investigates, analyses, and discusses science-related knowledge explicitly. Following an academic principle, public communication of science’s scope traces from three words’ basic understandings.  The term communication means communion and community, both originate from the Latin word communis , meaning to make familiar, have something in common, or share. The things in common could imply information, knowledge, or meaning. Science in this understanding is a branch of knowledge on a particular subject. Such knowledge collection is advantageous for developing new technologies, treating various diseases, and resolving millions of problems humans encounter.  Meanwhile, the word public could refer to ‘home’ for heterogeneous groups of people. This etymological meaning could suggest that public communication of science signifies a field or discipline closely related to communication with multiple means to disseminate info

Arnold Janssen’s Intercultural Narration

A rnold Janssen was born on November 5, 1837, in Goch, a small town on the crossroads of the border between Germany and The Netherlands. His parents were Gerhard and Anna Katharina Janssen. He is the founder of three international mission congregations, namely, the Divine Word Missionaries (SVD), Missionary Sisters of Servants of the Holy Spirit (SSpS), and Servants of the Holy Spirit of Perpetual Adoration (SSpSAP).

The Enduring Pandemic of Racism: A Call to Confront Humanity's Deepest Crisis

Image R acism has plagued humanity for centuries, with countless cases—many still hidden from public view—occurring worldwide. Referring to racism as an outbreak, or even a  pandemic , is not an exaggeration.  The ongoing chant from anti-racism advocates that this issue has outlasted and surpassed other pandemics should shake us from our complacency, reminding us of the countless individuals who have suffered and been oppressed under the unrelenting burden of racism. Indeed, this claim holds truth, as racism has persisted throughout human history, unresolved by global leaders who have often failed to address it with the urgency it demands. Some argue that the destructive power of racism has outpaced even the most aggressive pandemics, including the recent COVID-19 crisis. The malignant force of racism has terrorized, weakened, and torn apart the fabric of humanity, specifically targeting Black communities and minority groups. Its impact on society has been