By Lee Chua, Queena N, Dionisio, Ma. Isabel Sison, Fernandez, Nerisa C, Alignay, Michele S. (Eds.). 2013, Anvil Publishing, Mandaluyong City, Philippines, 362 pages.
I. Introduction
The specific purpose of the book is to provide a guideline of how parents, who are called, digital migrants assist their children, who are called, digital natives, in this digital era. The authors, who themselves are mothers, are concerned about the life of the children in this unstoppable era of this digital world.
I. Introduction
The specific purpose of the book is to provide a guideline of how parents, who are called, digital migrants assist their children, who are called, digital natives, in this digital era. The authors, who themselves are mothers, are concerned about the life of the children in this unstoppable era of this digital world.
Their concern is eloquently demonstrated in the introductory portion of the book when it says, “Given our hurly-hurly tech world, we can not let our kids roam unfettered in the digital world without the guidance of any sort. Without proper care and caution, our kids may very likely use technologies in ways that are not healthy for them in the long run. Once these bad habits are formed, they are difficult to erase” (p. xiii).
Intending to grapple with this concern, the book, therefore, provides the answers to the following questions which are mentioned in the book: “How can we use social media wisely? How do we deal with our kids’ gaming addiction? How can we motivate kids to read and to socialize healthily? How can we talk so kids will listen? How can we integrate technology effectively in school?”
Intending to grapple with this concern, the book, therefore, provides the answers to the following questions which are mentioned in the book: “How can we use social media wisely? How do we deal with our kids’ gaming addiction? How can we motivate kids to read and to socialize healthily? How can we talk so kids will listen? How can we integrate technology effectively in school?”
It should be highly acknowledged and appreciated that the book was completed after extensive research by the authors. Written by four female academics, whose educational backgrounds are diverse: mathematics, counseling psychology, clinical psychology, theology, management, family psychology, and education, the book is the result of student surveys at several high schools and universities in Manila, Philippines. The book will be reviewed chapter by chapter and will end with the reviewer’s comments.
To be continued....
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