In his article, D’Rozario attempts to associate self-reliance and solidarity. The writing is so powerful due to the writer successfully shifting self-reliance from an economic concept to a missionary concept.
This change resulted from the author’s learning exploration from an Indonesian priest, Utomo, from whom he employed the concept of self-reliance. Inspired by this idea, the author built a Caritas in his country, Bangladesh.
Through the mobilization of local resources with different types of endeavors, such as campaigns, local contributions, capital mobilization, and production, the writer could sustain the Caritas center without receiving any international assistance.
Therefore, the true meaning of self-reliance for a religious congregation counts on “working with people instead of working for people, understanding the people and their life situation and believing in people’s potential.”
Hinrichs’ article explains the working system of Styler Bank. What makes this bank differ from other banks lies in its ethical policy.
Three basic principles of the bank are noted: justice, peace, and integrity of creation. Styler bank is one of the capital markets which proclaims the culture of trust.
To be continued
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